Tag: Downloading

  • The Facade of 300

    I think I just got the true significance of the new music company, 300. In my estimation, there’s much more here than what first meets the eye.                   Up till now, streaming services have been doing little more than recycling pre-existing works (Beats Music- which is being […]


    The other day, I saw a blog posted on Facebook which largely condemned not only contemporary popular music, but this culture that permits and encourages such music and spectacle to take place for us and our children to see. I really appreciated how passionate the writer was and enjoyed many of the points he made. […]


    The other day, I went to an exhibition of the artist Edgar Degas at a local museum. It was a great exhibit and I learned a lot. The accompanying commentary was fascinating and demonstrated how far Degas pushed the various media he used in previously unseen ways, all in the pursuit of his own expression. […]

  • Yeezus And Anger

    Since someone wanted to know what I think about Kanye West, I decided to give his new record, “Yeezus” a listen. The experience of listening to “Yeezus” is behind me now. “Yeezus” feels a bit to me like Kanye trying to be edgy a la Nine Inch Nails or Manson by way of Rotterdam circa […]

  • There are no bad people, just bad ideas

    World history has come to a unique and remarkable point of convergence. With each new moment, current events are literally recreating, rewiring and redirecting the course of civilization. Technology is playing a tremendous role in all of this change. The capability to distribute information and to communicate with others is unprecedented. Data flows through the […]