Tag: drums

  • Michael Beinhorn Fires Drummers Part 2; Authenticity Vs Vision

    I recently published a blog entitled “Michael Beinhorn Fires Drummers”. It was obvious that the title and subject matter were controversial and might ruffle some feathers. I figured that there might be some fallout, but I’d rather people form their opinions about me based on the truth, instead of fabrication. In spite of this, I […]

  • Michael Beinhorn Fires Drummers

    This morning, I received an email from a friend. He found it extremely amusing that when he Googled my name in order to read my latest blog post, the first thing that came up was the following string of words; ‘Michael Beinhorn Fires Drummers”. That sentiment seems to have been going around of late- in […]

  • A Primer On Feel

    I am posting this article here (as well as on my website), due to its apparent popularity. Music is every bit as visceral as it is engaging for the mind (if it is not moreso). It is a total, fulfilling experience and even though it doesn’t engage other senses (in the way motion pictures and […]